Because there is a cooling sensation as the Super Mario video game characters T-shirt and I will buy this moisture evaporates. It feels good to the patient though it does very little to lower body temperature. It’s better to take an over the counter fever reducer. To keep the fever from heating the brain and also reducing fever. High temperature can affect brain and cause fits. When a person is suffering from fever the temperature of the body of the sick person is high by putting wet cloth the temperature is lowered down . the water evaporates and absorbs the heat from the body and causes cooling and lowers the body temperature that is why Doctors advise us to put wet stripes on the forehead of a person having high fever
The skin is flushed with blood, which becomes warm to dissipate more and more heat. By putting wet cloth on our forehead, by using cold blankets, we are just assisting our body in controlling the Super Mario video game characters T-shirt and I will buy this temperature. The cloth is also cold and wet. Another way to bring a fever down is cold water on the back side of the wrists. The blood vessels are the closest to the outside and will work fast. It has been proved a myth though I have done it when my children had high temperature I have also poured chill water on children to reduce temperature instantly. Ironically the temperature came down to normal level. They were given Crocin syrup only. Anyway, neither ice water, nor wet cloth reduced the fever they reduced only the heat on the skin. Drinking juices, luke warm water sponge bath, paracetamol, plain light clothing and bedding will be helpful. So please do not try what I did to my children.
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