Hypothetically, to an Australian such as myself, perhaps love is a special, sacred word to me that I would only ascribe to very few things that are dear to me; perhaps I don’t like how the We were fucking robbed shirt it is in the first place but flag goes against a black backdrop instead of the usual blue or just the flag itself; perhaps I am just as apathetic about Australia as any other place on earth; or perhaps there are certain things about Australia such as the shape of the ear of the prime minister that annoys me so that I cannot say that I “love” the country… In any case, the message on the T-Shirt says that because of any of these personal impediments on my part, the wearer of the T-Shirt believes that it disqualifies me to stay in my home. That’s pretty close to fascism in my book. Hmm, a difficult question to answer. For it’s not just one thing that I love most about him. It’s an amalgam of many different things. He considers my opinion important. Whether it be about the flavor of cornflakes or about next car we ought to purchase. The grocery store sells me cereal. I don’t really care where it comes from as long as it’s clean and good for me. I don’t care about their talents and dreams.

Buy this shirt: https://dalatshirt.com/product/we-were-fucking-robbed-shirt/