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“Malnutrition was found to be associated with increased sweat sodium and chloride concentrations. A reduction of systemic sodium and chloride transport reflected in sweat sodium and chloride levels has been linked to increased severity of pulmonary edema in children with septicemia.”(1) Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema means pulmonary edema, or fluid in the lungs, that is not there because of a heart malfunction. Perhaps it would be best to describe cardiogenic pulmonary edema, in order to then contrast it with nocardiogenic. Blood travels from the lungs, through the pulmonary veins, to the left side of the heart. From there, it is pumped into the aorta by the left ventricle. If the left ventricle is weak, then the fluid will begin to back up into the lungs. This is cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Fluid in the lungs due to heart failure. This is a bit simplified, but it will do for Our bodies ‘run’ meaning produce energy with ions, basic materials and elements, photosynthesis and sleep. Our food has radically changed in the last few hundred years, and even more so in the last sixty.

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