I’ve been printing for 20+ years and I have seen great printing and I have seen terrible printing and I have seen ok printing. I used to go to stores and see if the ink on the shirts were dry because there is a certain art to printing. I know a lot of printers in NY and MASS in USA. They are very good at what they do… as am I. It depends on what you are looking to get accomplished. Is it an all over print? Is it digital? Is it for a large run. I have noticed that people start companies and focus on a niche. Find out what you are looking for, make some calls, see some prints and find out what works best for you. As far as what place has the best printing… I have no idea… it’s more about what you need to accomplish.
Buy this shirt: https://dalatshirt.com/product/new-yorks-1-cat-sitter-shirt/